Trusted World

Trusted World

Non-Profit & Community Organizations

About Us

In 2014, Trusted World was founded by Michael Garrett, who specializes in efficiency and process control and is trained in Six Sigma, S.P.C, and lean manufacturing.

Michael observed in the nonprofit sector that many organizations offered excellent services, but they often struggled with either limited resources or the challenge of trying to address every need they encountered within their communities.

Trusted World stepped in to provide those essential resources, allowing our partners to concentrate on their missions without the burden of sourcing what they needed. In addition to saving space that would have been used to store these resources, we discovered that we were saving them hours each week by eliminating the need to search for necessary support. This efficiency enabled our partners to assist more clients without altering their budgets.

Once Trusted World began serving over 500 partners, we recognized the strength of our network. We developed software that not only lets our partners see the various services offered by other members of the network but also enables them to request those services through our network portal. Now with over 800+ partners Trusted World is one of the largest nonprofits in North Texas

Thanks to this network and our systems, Trusted World is now supporting hundreds of partners, employing thousands of caseworkers and counselors who, in turn, are helping tens of thousands of individuals in need.


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4th Annual Trusted World Awards Breakfast
4th Annual Trusted World Awards Breakfast

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Mr. Michael Garrett
CEO - Founder
  • Phone: (877) 729-0806

Featured Member

RDS Door & Windows LLC

100% Woman owned residential window and door company.